I10027 - Louisa May Alcott

I10056 - Susan B. Anthony

P T Barnum and General Tom Thumb

Clara Barton - 526057

I10054 - Leon Leonwood Bean

I10057 - Alexander Graham Bell and Family

Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman - I10113

Yogi Berra - I10119

00480 - Edwin Booth; Brother of John Wilkes Booth (LC-DIG-cwpbh-00480)

Clara Bow - 38839

3b40210 SL - Margaret "Unsinkable Molly" Brown

Sitting Bull with Buffalo Bill Cody - I10015

Sitting Bull - 3c22859

Sitting Bull - 3c11147

I10076 - Seth Bullock

LTJG George H W Bush #41 President - I10115

I10043_Annie Jump Cannon

I10066 - George Washington Carver

I10099 - Butch Cassidy & Sundance Kid

Charlie Chaplin in The Kid
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