01131 - Lincoln and Gen. McClellan; Antietam, MD; October 3rd 1862 [LC-DIG-cwpb-01131]
![01131 - Lincoln and Gen. McClellan; Antietam, MD; October 3rd 1862 [LC-DIG-cwpb-01131]](/img/s/v-10/p963122316-11.jpg)
04326 - Allan Pinkerton, President Lincoln, and Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand

00282 - Allan Pinkerton (Seated Right); Secret Service headquarters, Antietam, MD 1862 [LC-DIG-cwpb-00282]
![00282 - Allan Pinkerton (Seated Right); Secret Service headquarters, Antietam, MD 1862 [LC-DIG-cwpb-00282]](/img/s/v-10/p1060892713-11.jpg)
Bryantown Tavern - 03433

00271 - Bridge on the Boonsboro Pike; Middle Bridge - Antietam, MD, 1862 (LC-DIG-cwpb-00271)

04402 - General Robert E. Lee, C.S.A.; Commander of Confederate Forces, March 1864 [LC-DIG-cwpb-04402]
![04402 - General Robert E. Lee, C.S.A.; Commander of Confederate Forces, March 1864 [LC-DIG-cwpb-04402]](/img/s/v-10/p340862575-11.jpg)
05828 - Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock; Hancock the Superb [LC-DIG-cwpb-05828]
![05828 - Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock; Hancock the Superb [LC-DIG-cwpb-05828]](/img/s/v-10/p57014319-11.jpg)
05369 - Major Gen. Ambrose Burnside; 'Burn' [LC-DIG-cwpb-05369]
![05369 - Major Gen. Ambrose Burnside; 'Burn' [LC-DIG-cwpb-05369]](/img/s/v-10/p352630784-11.jpg)
05667 - Major General McClellan; and Ellen Mary Marcy McClellan [LC-DIG-cwpb-05667]
![05667 - Major General McClellan; and Ellen Mary Marcy McClellan [LC-DIG-cwpb-05667]](/img/s/v-10/p509142478-11.jpg)
01109 - A lone grave on the battlefield; (John Marshall) Antietam, Maryland, Sept 1862 [LC-DIG-cwpb-01109]
![01109 - A lone grave on the battlefield; (John Marshall) Antietam, Maryland, Sept 1862 [LC-DIG-cwpb-01109]](/img/s/v-10/p888599412-11.jpg)
00548 - Confederate dead on Miller farm; Battlefield of Antietam, Sept. 19, 1862 (LC-DIG-cwpb-00548)

01095 - Laid out for burial at Antietam; Confederate dead; September 1862 (LC-DIG-cwpb-01095)

01108 - Where Sumner's Corps charged; Scene of terrific conflict. Sept. 1862; Antietam (LC-DIG-cwpb-01108)

03561 - Killed at the Battle of Antietam; Dead of Stonewall Jackson's Brigade; Sept. 1862 [LC-DIG-cwpb-03561]
![03561 - Killed at the Battle of Antietam; Dead of Stonewall Jackson's Brigade; Sept. 1862 [LC-DIG-cwpb-03561]](/img/s/v-10/p348020789-11.jpg)
01085 - Federal buried, Confederate unburied, where they fell, Antietam, Maryland

01090 - Confederate soldiers as they fell near the Burnside bridge, Antietam, MD

01097 - Confederate dead by a fence on the Hagerstown road, Antietam, Md

01103 - Bodies of Confederate soldiers by fence on Hagerstown pike, Antietam, Maryland

03560 - A Confederate soldier who after being wounded had evidently dragged himself to a little ravine on the hillside where he died, Antietam, Maryland.
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