Created 19-Feb-12
335 photos
We offer all of our images in different sizes, color, black & white, sepia, matt or glossy finish.
Each image can be mounted and framed.
Our original period images are from the Library of Congress, the National Archives or other quality sources. Each image is taken from a high resolution negative and then cleaned of blemishes, damage, scratches, and whatever the decades have caused. Next, the image is carefully brought back to life by adding color to the black and white image by the internationally known color artist and author of "Restoring and Tinting Vintage Images", David Richardson.
We are often asked, "How do we choose our colors?" The simple answer is research! We read historical documents for descriptions of the scene and colors. We work with civil war experts. We look at museum collections. If possible, we visit and photograph the sites where the images were taken. By determining the right colors to use, we are able to make the photographs look as if they were taken yesterday instead of 150 years ago.
00530 - Federal line near Fort Morton, Petersburg, VA

02190 - U.S.S. Casco, light-draft monitor, James River, VA

02541 - Dead Confederate soldier, Petersburg, Virginia, April 1865

03186 - Gallie Gun, Ft. McAllister; Dec 1864

Prof. Lowe replenishing Intrepid; from balloon Constitution; May 1862 - 01563

#17 Andrew Johnson; U.S. Vice President - 1865; U.S. President 1865-1869 [NARA-4228167897]
![#17 Andrew Johnson; U.S. Vice President - 1865; U.S. President 1865-1869 [NARA-4228167897]](/img/s/v-10/p585467724-11.jpg)
1s01796 - Hospital scene

3a02668 - General Ulysses S. Grant; Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 1864 [LC-USZ61-903]
![3a02668 - General Ulysses S. Grant; Cold Harbor, Virginia, June 1864 [LC-USZ61-903]](/img/s/v-10/p1007055089-11.jpg)
3A48019 - Our First Grizzly; Bloody Knife; Ge. Custer and Col. Ludlow, 1874 [LC-USZ62-47876]
![3A48019 - Our First Grizzly; Bloody Knife; Ge. Custer and Col. Ludlow, 1874 [LC-USZ62-47876]](/img/s/v-10/p1055549635-11.jpg)
3g07966 - Returned Federal prisoners from Andersonville (i.e. Belle Isle) prison

00008 - View of Mortar and Artillery; Broadway Landing, VA; April 1865 [LC-DIG-cwpb-00008]
![00008 - View of Mortar and Artillery; Broadway Landing, VA; April 1865 [LC-DIG-cwpb-00008]](/img/s/v-10/p849663575-11.jpg)
13-Inch Mortars

16th NY 'Straw Hat Regiment'; Field Hospital, Savage Station, Va; June 27, 1862 -00202

00068 - Confederate soldiers who had evidently been shelled by our batteries on Round Top, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

00074 - Alfred R. Waud, Artist; of Harper's Weekly, Gettysburg, PA July 1863 [LC-DIG-cwpb-00074]
![00074 - Alfred R. Waud, Artist; of Harper's Weekly, Gettysburg, PA July 1863 [LC-DIG-cwpb-00074]](/img/s/v-10/p693711128-11.jpg)
00107 - Gen. Judson Kilpatrick; 3d Div, Cavalry Corps; Culpeper, Va; Sep 1863 [LC-DIG-cwpb-00107]
![00107 - Gen. Judson Kilpatrick; 3d Div, Cavalry Corps; Culpeper, Va; Sep 1863 [LC-DIG-cwpb-00107]](/img/s/v-10/p1318407402-11.jpg)
00119 - The 'Beef-killers'; Camp Winfield Scott, Yorktown VA; May 3, 1862 [LC-DIG-cwpb-00119 ]
![00119 - The 'Beef-killers'; Camp Winfield Scott, Yorktown VA; May 3, 1862 [LC-DIG-cwpb-00119 ]](/img/s/v-10/p1058678512-11.jpg)
00124 - Topographical engineers; May 2, 1862; Yorktown, VA [LC-DIG-cwpb-00124]
![00124 - Topographical engineers; May 2, 1862; Yorktown, VA [LC-DIG-cwpb-00124]](/img/s/v-10/p960422763-11.jpg)
00156 - Capt. Custer of the 5th Cavalry; With Lt. Washington, a prisoner and classmate [LC-DIG-cwpb-00156]
![00156 - Capt. Custer of the 5th Cavalry; With Lt. Washington, a prisoner and classmate [LC-DIG-cwpb-00156]](/img/s/v-10/p669729308-11.jpg)
00159 - Capt. Gibson's Flying Artillery; Peninsular Campaign, June 1862 [LC-DIG-cwpb-00159]
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