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Taken 8-Jul-12
Visitors 144

12 of 22 photos
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Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Charleston, SC, Saint Finbar, Saint John, South Carolina, cathedral
Photo Info

Dimensions3500 x 1750
Original file size758 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date modified9-Jul-12 07:44
02459 - Ruins of Cathedral; St. John and St. Finbar, Charleston, SC 1865 [LC-DIG-cwpb-02459]

02459 - Ruins of Cathedral; St. John and St. Finbar, Charleston, SC 1865 [LC-DIG-cwpb-02459]

The Cathedral of Saint John and Saint Finbar in Charleston, South Carolina existed for less than 10 years. Groundbreaking took place in 1850 and the Cathedral was consecrated in 1854. It served the Catholic community until it was destroyed by the fire that ravaged much of Charleston on December 11th, 1861.

Following the war, nearly thirty years passed before rebuilding of the structure could begin. In 1890, twenty nine years after it was destroyed, the corner stone of the new church, The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist was laid. Designed by the same architect as the first church, it was seventeen more years before the church finally opened. Due to a lack of funds, the spire that was planned for the top was not completed. It would take until 2010, nearly 149 years after it predecessor was destroyed before the new church was finally complete.