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Taken 29-Aug-19
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Date modified29-Aug-19 15:57
G004-10511293 SL

C.S. Lt. William T. Glassell ca. 1855 - G004-10511293

“It [was] my right, if not my duty, to act the part of a belligerent.” – C.S. Lt. William T. Glassell

William T. Glassell volunteered to serve as the CSS David’s captain. The CSS David was a stealth vessel designed to attach a spar torpedo to a vessel.

The Virginia native had been serving as a lieutenant on the USS Hartford in the Orient Sea when the vessel was ordered to return at the start of the Civil War.

On arrival in 1862, Glassell was given the choice of taking a new oath of allegiance or being imprisoned at Fort Warren, Mass. Glassell “refused to take this oath, on the ground that it was inconsistent with one I had already taken to support the Constitution of the United States.”

After eight months, he was exchanged as a P.O.W..

Glassell was captured after attempting to sink the USS New Ironsides.

U.S. Adm. John Dahlgren considered, “It is desirable that this Officer should not be allowed to return here until some time has elapsed, as he could not fail to be of great service to the enemy in future operations of the same kind."

P.O.W. Glassell was returned to Fort Warren and promoted by the Confederates for “gallant and meritorious service”.