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Taken 28-Jun-12
Visitors 286

20 of 213 photos
Categories & Keywords

Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:falmouth, muss, soldiers, va, virginia
Photo Info

Dimensions3500 x 1750
Original file size2.59 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date modified28-Jun-12 12:29
00323 - A muss at headquarters; Army of the Potomac, Falmouth, VA; April 1863 [LC-DIG-cwpb-00323]

00323 - A muss at headquarters; Army of the Potomac, Falmouth, VA; April 1863 [LC-DIG-cwpb-00323]

A casual glance at this image and you would think that the photographer had arrived at just the right moment for a candid photo. During the Civil War though, it was not possible to take candid photos and elaborate preparation would have been involved. If you look closely, each man is carefully braced against either an object or another man. In reality this was the Army having fun away from the battle. The lighter more humorous side of life, that we seldom see in other pictures, reminds us that there were opportunities to relax and amuse ones' self.